February 3, 2013

Lather, Rinse, Repeat

Lessons from lice adventures

I have the luxury of having been able to clear my calendar so that I could - literally - lather, rinse, repeat my children's hair for several days required.  I also have the luxury of being able to clear my calendar so that I can strip, load, heat, repeat.  Strip the beds, load them in the dryer, heat them up, put them back on the beds. Strip the couches (that are covered in extra sheets), load them in the dryer, heat them up, put them back on.  Attack the piles of coats (whether they've been worn or not), towels and bathroom rugs, and any clothes that have been worn since our lice diagnosis.

Combatting lice is a time-consuming process.  In an already crazy week, this could have been the thing that pushed me over the age.  And, if my consumption of jelly beans is telling, then - perhaps - it has pushed me over the edge. For ten minutes, I think I was over the edge - but I brought myself back and I've managed to stay on the right side of that edge.

I have these voices ringing my head.  (Don't worry - they are not exactly outside and they are not exactly inside- I am neither schizophrenic nor dissociative). The voices are memories or thoughts or inspirations reminding me that things can be much worse.  And, that - truly - I am thankful this is merely a inconvenience - a gross inconvenience, but just an inconvenience.

"I do not pray for a lighter load, but for a stronger back."  - Phillips Brooks

45 minutes to lather everyone up
30 minutes to sit there (while they're sitting I'm burning sheets and pillows, remaking beds, gathering backpacks and towels that did not make it to the burn pile....)
1.5 hours to rinse everyone off

repeat tomorrow

"Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn't learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn't learn a little, at least we didn't get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn't die; so let us all be thankful."    -   Buddha

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