October 21, 2016

Magic Answers

When things are difficult, we look for the magic answer... the immediate "cure" - or, at least, the method by which we can lure a change.  

We attempt to coax change when we try to persuade our infants to sleep through the night, when we battle toddler tantrums, fussy eaters, a bad back, or a relationship that feels stuck.  Sometimes, we laugh - once we are past the moment - at how difficult we thought it was at the time.  Other times, we leave that moment worn out - hoping it never returns again.

But, something else will come to take its place for us to wage battle against, attempt to overcome, and hope - that we come out on top - all the better for the experience.

There are no magic answers.  There never were.  We collect the data from our village, from the professionals, from our souls - but, in the end, we must navigate this moment of life on our own.

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