September 18, 2014

I'm Sorry

For every time I yelled, please forgive me. 
If I raised my voice to teach a lesson, forgive me once.
If I yelled from anger, forgive me a million times. 

If I made you feel like a bad kid, forgive me.
If my words were mean, forgive me. 
If my actions were misleading, forgive me.
If my words cut through you, please forgive me.
If I was not helpful, supportive, or kind, please, forgive me.

If I forgot to tell you how much I love you, forgive me.
If you ever felt unloved, unwanted, or unneeded - please forgive me.

Because I love you as deeply as the depths go. And I want you as hard as I possibly could. And I need you more than any mother has ever needed her child before.

If I ever didn't give you something that you needed, please forgive me.
If there was attention you needed and I didn't give it to you, please forgive me.
If you yearned for my support and I didn't provide it, forgive me.
If there was a toy you needed so badly you would die, well - you're not dead so you must not have needed it.

If I ever neglected to show you my overflowing love,
the immense joy I receive from your presence in my life,
the pride I hold because of the amazing human being who you are...
please forgive me.

If I ever looked past you, said "Give me a minute", or put my own needs before your own - please forgive me. Except for the times that I really needed to take care of mySelf. In those cases, please understand.

Everything I do, I do because of you. You keep me going and make life worth the while. You bring delight and joy, learning and lessons, and allow me to love a little bit deeper each and every day.

You challenge me to grow and be a better person every day. I have a lot of growing left to do. You make me want to strive toward perfection. I am - as of yet - an imperfect human mommy. 

I thank you.
I love you.
You fill my life. 

Please forgive me for all that needs to be forgiven.

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