September 24, 2007

JUST DISCOVERED: Greatest Cleaning Tip Ever

WOW! My house smells great. It looks clean! And, I hardly did anything. Here are the simple steps to acquiring what I have:

Step One: Put your lemon scented Mr Clean in a bucket and mix with water.

Step Two: Locate an empty 18 gallon (or above) sized tupperware.

Step Three: Walk around the house and put any stray items in the Tupperware container (to be put away later, of course)

Step Four: Sweep (quickly). There is a great sense of accomplishment from sweeping a pile into a dustpan. Watch how good you feel once you're done.

You're done!
By now, the bucket of lemon scented Mr. Clean has permeated the entire house. You can move it to your laundry room and allow it to continue to spread its long lasting scent.

If you feel really ambitious, you can even mop an area or two of your house. No need to do the whole thing ~ just a little makes the house smell and look great!

Title Renamed: JUST DISCOVERED: Greatest Cleaning TRICK Ever

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